Project Overview
To foster a stronger sense of belonging and connection among employees, consider offering a celebratory experience through My ServiceNow. One way to enhance employee engagement is by acknowledging and celebrating individual birthdays and work anniversaries. By recognizing these important dates on My ServiceNow, we can create a more inclusive and engaging work environment for everyone.
Celebrate widget &
Celebration board
Drive employee engagement by giving everyone special attention to their birthday and work anniversary. Celebrate important dates on My ServiceNow.
UX Design
UI Design
Designed the MSN Celebration with gif and cofetti. Created a celebration widget and board to promote employee recognition and appreciation, resulting in a positive work culture. The Celebration board has been chosen for productization this year.
Competitive analysis
FT Employee (Remote, Flexible, Global)​
New Hires​
Solution- Celebration widget
Design& Build a Common Confetti Animation/library aligning with NOW branding​
· Event trigger/detection and Confetti activation​
· Develop a Celebration Central ​
Consent and opt-out Mechanism​
As an Employee, I want to see confetti and greeting on my screen when It’s my birthday, Employee Appreciation Day and Work Anniversary. ​
Milestone display widget with Social Engagement features ​
The Celebration widget will display upcoming birthday (month and day only, not year) and work anniversary along with number of years completed.​
Birthday and Work Anniversary will show for opted-in users only. Employee Appreciation Day will show for all employees.​
The widget will only show when there’s an upcoming milestone in next 12 days. If there’s no data in next 12 days, the widget will hide.​
Managers will see birthday and anniversary for their peers and direct repartees and their own manager.​
Team members will see birthdays of their own manager and teammates. ​
Engagement: Allow Employees to send& schedule wishes via MSTeams integration.​​​
Solution- Celebration Board
As an employee, I should be able to create a celebration Board, add contributors to it and share with a team. ​
As the creator of a Board, I should be able to add contributors or team members who can contribute to the board.​
Contributors should be able to view and add content to the board.​
As a contributor, I should be able to add content such as messages, images, videos, to the Kudos Board.​
I should be able to personalise my contributions with a message and relevant media.​
As the creator of a Kudos Board, I should be able to share the board with specific team members or colleagues.​
I should be able to share the board via email or Teams ​
As a contributor or recipient of a Board, I should be able to view the content shared on the board.​
Edit or Delete Content:​
As a contributor, I should be able to edit or delete my own contributions to the Board.​
The creator of the Celeb Board should have the ability to edit or delete any content on the board.​